Sunday, 11 September 2016

Working Through The Pile of Unfinished Projects - 3

Earlier this year, I completed a black and white drawing of my Nature Beings with plans to enlarge it on canvas for our home.

I always find after finishing a project, I am inspired to create another, however, not right away.  Some of my black and white designs have taken more than 10 hours to complete so not only does my mind need a rest, but so does my hand and neck hahaha.  So instead of losing the idea, I made a rough sketch so when I was ready to do another, I knew what I wanted to do.

Incorporating the fluid shape found in my Nature and Spirit Being drawings, and also inspired by my love of the Mother Goddess, her form began to take shape and I was excited.  For me, the Mother in my drawing represents peace, openess and enlightenment.  I had finished her form and wasn't sure if she'd remain in black and white form, or if I should incorporate a splash of colour.  After consulting Heath (he is the most awesome soundboard and is so great with colour combos), he really wanted me to leave it black and white and to fill the white space with my "eyes", a common theme found in all my drawings.  

So off I went.  Now this is a slow going process.  The "eyes" are major hand cramp territory and so I can only do short bursts of an evening.  After about 4 collective hours of work, I realised the background sucked ... ughhh ... big time.  I wasn't happy with how it looked despite Heath insisting it was awesome.  So here is my predicament - I've already spent 6+ hours already so do I give up now or see it through (even with gritted teeth) to the end.  My <erm> lovely husband insisted he loved it so that it was going up in our bedroom.  <Face plant>.  Please ... no!  

Now I don't know about you but when your other half genuinely loves what you create, despite you hating it, this ... is ... big.  I mean mine listens to me babble all the time about this or that and constantly has WIPs thrust under his nose for inspection/comment/praise teehee.  So continue I must for he wishes it so ;)

So after a "far out" long time, hand cramps and ink, she is done.  I love her despite my perceived flaw of the piece.  It's ironic when you think about it.  Perhaps it was meant to be in the end ...

Have a fabulous weekend!  

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