Sunday, 13 March 2016

Nothing Much To Share

My mind is full, bursting at the seams with creative flow which has been subconsciously blockaded, bubbling away waiting for some commitments to clear. It disappeared for what felt like an eternity and now it's back with fury.  And now, I don't know where to begin. I haven't had time to touch my vase this past week as I've been too physically fatigued from the day job that most nights, I've ended up falling asleep in the chair....yep, feeling old!  And the bowls of beads, weaving and drawings are cascading in piles in my art room where the door continues to remain closed.

There's so much going on in my day to day life at the moment and for the next couple of months, I think I'll just have to scribble furiously down my plans until such time I have to create openly with a free mind.  Today, I continued working on my vase which has grown to become a form of meditation for me, winding round and round.  I'm sure there's a much quicker way of getting the same result, however, the slow, pensive movements all carried out by hand is what sings to my spirit and that is when I feel "it".  I just can't wait until the weather starts to cool and my work days get shorter allowing me a snippet of time to be creatively free. And my, do I have some amazingly awesome ideas using many different types of medium that I can't wait to get out of my head!

So for the next couple of months I may be quiet on the creative front but I am continuing to share pics on Instagram and Facebook of pieces that I have available for purchase. I'm not sure if many stop by my social pages but I'm currently trialling Indiemade as an online store.  If you have any questions, drop me a line as I'd be more than happy to assist.

Have a great week ahead!

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