Monday, 8 May 2017

Knowing Your Worth

If you have been following along my creative journey, you will know how much I love creating.  The exciting part for me is not only the end result but the entire process, which begins with a sketch.  Wracking my brain how each piece will be made, what materials best represent each line for the overall story of the piece excites me.  Yet, the most wondrous part of all is seeing the finished piece that works aesthetically and practically.  There are some times where my ideas don't quite come together in this way when taking the design and transposing it into something tangible and so trying to keep within the same theme, I correct my mistakes.  And so the story evolves.

As this entire process for me comes when it's ready, the completion of each piece has no timeframe.  Components are sketched, made, rested, painted in multiple layers with resting in-between, sealed, rested and each part is pieced together with intention as the sketch becomes alive.  And once the piece is complete, it sits and waits.  I pause and observe making sure each piece is just right and I smile to myself with that internal warmth of joy.

Then I begin the online process - taking numerous photographs trying to capture the piece in such a detailed way so the intended market can virtually feel the essence and intention the piece has.  I do this as my life is such where I'm still unable to attend markets.  And so inlays my problem.  My dream of being a successful jewellery designer is still that - just a dream.  I'm so grateful to have a few pieces bought online as well as in person but for some reason, online selling continues not to be for me and I'm unsure as to why my pieces are lost in translation as the feedback I've received has been wonderful.  So yesterday I decided to close my Facebook page and let it go.  

Today I finally knew my worth.  This is something I've been working on for many, many years.  Being and feeling confident and aligned in my own skin.  Today, I realised I'm more than just likes, comments and shares.  I'm someone who expresses themselves emotionally, meaningfully and mindfully through art.  I love what I do.  I love what I make.  And that's all I need to be.

On that note, I finished a piece that's been in progress since mid-March.  I shared the intended pendant dangles in my last blog post and now, its story was complete.  Intended for my "Findings of Nature" series, this one features a found piece of driftwood, recycled sari silk and handmade polymer clay components inspired by my love for nature.  It's certainly a statement piece, bold and armouresque representing my love for the forest - the strength and wiseness of the old trees, the whispers amongst the leaves, the life that lives deep beneath the earth amongst the roots or on the branches of the trees, finding comfort in the stillness, new life protected in tiny cups bursting free into the wind and the smell of deeply rich earth laying in wait for the cycle of life.

Here is a close up of the pendant:

And a full view:

Enjoy your week :)