Friday, 24 June 2016

A Sale in the Wind

Yayyyyyy, we can finally celebrate!!! Everything has been finalised with our last place and we can finally move forward with the new.  Today, the weather is too wet and bitterly cold to work (as my full time job is outdoors) so instead, I get to enjoy the comfort of a log fire and bountiful cups of tea whilst I start to work through my <ahem> many art room boxes.  Heath (my husband) found it quite humorous to exclaim loudly "art room" every time he had to move one of my boxes.  I am (apparently) now on a forced craft supplies diet after unloading a third of a 3-tonne truck of my theengs.  In my defence, I have very large studio furniture <wink>.

Keeping on with our "new beginnings" and stemming from my last blog post (see below), I've a few pieces that haven't found new homes as yet.  So in the spirit of me settling into my new home, how about a little sale?  I'll have a range of items available - jewellery, polymer clay pendants and dangles, handmade components, jewellery making and craft supplies and handpainted bookmarks.  My hand woven pots, bags and drawings won't be available at this time.  

So I'm thinking about setting up a Facebook/Instagram event so stay tuned for more details .....

Sunday, 19 June 2016

New Beginnings

It's been some time since I last came up for air and all for good reason.  For what feels like an eternity, we've been "heads down, bums up" working towards our dream - moving from the city to the country.  And it's finally here!!! As of today - after a very tough slog, including a two-week delay, then five solid moving days, 1,500 kilometres and a body full of bruises - we're in.  Despite the laborious and stressful nature of moving, unpacking is my favourite part - having the opportunity to put life back in its place does wonders for my slightly obsessive organisational mind.  And my, do I have a lot of unpacking to do hahaha

We've only been here a week but already, my mind and soul feels more free.  Simple things like being woken by the chortle of magpies; viewing an alpaca grazing from my kitchen window or like tonight, the neighbours having a roaring bonfire in their back paddock sings true to my soul.  I certainly don't miss the blaring sirens dozens of times a day or the hustle and bustle.  We will, however, be continuing to run our business in the area we've moved from, but being able to "escape" at the end of the day is so liberating.

We have so many plans to get underway once we're all settled in that I feel like a child on Christmas morning.  I'm super excited to set up my studio and finish a few of my WIPs (which is actually a large box full <eek>), so stay tuned.  But for now, I can stop ... and ... just breathe.  And honestly, it's bloody fantastic!

Enjoy your week :)